How Can I Close More Business, More Consistently?
All financial advisors have struggles at times closing business deals with prospective or current clients from time to time. The question for many is, why does this happen? You may find yourself wondering whether it is something about your approach to closing, or is the problem coming from your clients end. Perhaps they were tentative about financial investing strategies and unwilling to pull the trigger, or maybe your approach failed to convince them. There is no point wasting time beating yourself up over it; instead, consider these tips to help you close more business on a consistent basis.
Make a Good First Impression
They say first impressions are everything, and that counts in the professional world just as much as your social interactions with other people. Before you meet with a prospective client, send them a packet with valuable information to help prepare them for a first meeting. This should offer directions on exactly what they can do in advance to prepare, and include a professional business card so they can easily contact you with questions if needed.
Additionally, be sure to establish a positive presence online. AdvisorWebsites notes that 97% of consumers perform online research before making any kind of purchasing decision, so you can be certain they will be using Google to research your financial advising group before even meeting with you. Make sure your online presence conveys a highly professional, credible persona that is unique to you and suited to your market.
Hold a Brief First Meeting
This meeting is the most important meeting you will hold with a prospective client because it builds upon your first impression mailers, and allows you a chance to present yourself and your advising brand to the client in person. The sole objective of this meeting is to get them to move on to a second, in-depth meeting (which you should hold for free). Most importantly though, CNN Money notes this meeting should be brief. Keep it to 45 minutes, or one hour at a maximum.
As you move the conversation in this first meeting toward the concept of a second meeting, inform them that during that second meeting you will be able to provide a layout of the costs of working with you on their financial investing goals. After the meeting, do not forget to send a thank you card to follow up after the first meeting, complete with a business card and reminder of the date for your second meeting.
Time for a Second Meeting
This meeting should start with a thank you. Thank your potential client for taking the time to come meet with you again to learn more about working with your brand. Start by asking them if they have any questions leading into the meeting, and give them your analysis of those questions and their situation using any information you gathered during the initial meeting.
In this second meeting, you should guide the conversation without becoming too pushy, or aggressive, in attempting to gain their business. Offer to schedule a third meeting, and if they seem hesitant, do not take it personally. Give them your business card again and let them know that you will give them a few days to think it over, and call them to see how they would like to proceed.
After Meetings
Assuming you have successfully landed some new clients following this process, it is time to have them fill out all the necessary paperwork. After everything has been completed, you can set a meeting schedule with your clients for regular check-ins. You should be meeting with clients at least every 6 months to inform them of their progress on financial investments and gauge their feelings on their investing progress to date as well.
If nothing else sticks from this post, remember this: always use gratitude. You attract more bees with honey than vinegar, so be sure to be gracious and understanding of the attitudes and decisions of your prospective clients. For more information, please contact Trust Performance Coaching.